February 5, 2008

Thoughts of a forgotten night.

…And as the sun rises on a lazy Sunday morning, the sounds of the heavy headed ring out. The knowledge of the alcohol drank the previous night slowly becomes apparent, as the familiar yet discomforting feelings of a hangover takes over once again. Your brain struggles to retrieve memories, based half in dream and half in a hazed reality. Unable to decipher the cruel codes that are needed to retrieve last nights memories, you struggle to stand and consume the one liquid, that given time will slowly bring you back to the land of the living. The cool water sliding down your throat is a minor consolation and your only comfort as the overbearing hangover makes its presence felt again. Your options for the day are diminished as you have delayed cognitive abilities, and the reflexes of a new born three toed sloth. As you slowly realize you've made commitments for the day, the thought of moving off the couch is physically felt by your drained and badly abused body. You conjure your beaten body off the couch and slowly collect the few remaining beers you have left. As you make your exit, the long road to recovery seems more like a superhighway.

- Jordan Wilson

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