April 19, 2014

Float 88 - Pink Floydscape

Stoned out of my mind Pink Floyd float. Listened to Meddle and then Obscured by Clouds. This float was truly one of a kind and had a deeply impactful meaning and revitalization for me...

I believe that I have perfected my ritual of entering the tank and preparing it's environment to my personal taste. I had a pre-emptive shower and ran the pump for 20 minutes or so with the heating pads cranked up, went and then smoked a joint and had a smoke before getting into the tank. The temp was 97.5 and then I left the door open for the first few minutes while I got in with my head by the door and stared up at the shifting colors of the LED lights (which sub sequentially caused my visuals during the float to be very color dynamic). I then closed the door and switched positions to the back end with my head by the speakers. I was able to quickly enter into the void and heavy visuals started.

The amount of things that I saw were baffling. I used the flame and the void technique to help clear my mindscape, but when certain images occurred I did focus solely upon them. For example, multiple occasions I saw a distinct form of an aged old patriarchal bonobo appear (my power animal?) and hold it's place amongst the chaotic swirling images surrounding it with an extremely stern and forceful presence. This then faded and another bout of evil faces within my lower right field of view emerged. I then started to force movement of my eyes and applied various levels of pressure on my optic nerve. Looking far upwards and rolling my eyes into the back of my head caused massive amounts of white and blue lights to fire upwards from below to beyond me. A handful of spasmodic twitches then occurred and I closed and opened my eyes to reset.

When I opened them again I was somewhere within a cellular world with monads evolving and consuming each other, when I focused upon one individual cell it divided a few times and then out of nowhere it became multicellular. During this period, I started to notice that my toes were becoming cold and it induced a feeling of a cooled down bathtub, I put my attention on my toes and all of a sudden it hit me about the subject effect of temperature upon my consciousness during the float. I moved around a bit and found that by crossing my legs/feet I was able to fully submerge my toes under the water and officially found my new and improved floating posture. While figuring this new posture out a drip of salty condensation feel upon my right nostril and into my mustache and due to the startling nature of it I took a big inhale (I breathe most often through my nose in the tank) of salt water went into my nostril. I exhaled immediately but was too late to stop a slight drip of it hitting the back of my throat. I coughed and ended up having to get out of the tank and having a shower to clear off my face and wash out my mouth. Oddly this occurred right at the end of Meddle and as Obscured by Clouds began I was re-entering the tank.

I practiced a bit of my breath work and played around with a few mantras while losing myself in the music. My mind started to become clearer and clearer and my internal conversations began. I debated about Nietzsche's Will to Power, me thriving off being a devil's advocate, and that amazing discussion that I had with Gregory the night before. There was an overwhelming emotional of acceptance that has occurred and realizing what I can do with my own nature when I want to. This then transitioned into a more defined argumentative experience with my internal debate on the ever changing and growing nature of Float House. Projecting a handful of possible futures I was delighted to test the metaphysical verses that each small decision can have. Also, when I reflected back to Buddhist ideal of having to polish and purify the mirror of the mind, yet in truth the is no mirror, my mind instantly went black and there was a strong sensation of me 'flying' through the intensity of space, in my new floating captains chair position, with stars, nebulas and galaxies soaring by me. They speed and rate of projection was tied directly now to the notes of Pink Floyd. At one point, my attention was then drawn to the word 'Choice' and in a flash of intense images I lived and died three times. Each time I was faced down by the same Patriarchal Bonobo. No words were spoken but a deep understanding was transferred. A sense of conflicting moralities was swept over me, but with each conflict there was a surrendering to it, "without pain and suffering we would have nothing".

The final chanting of the album began and a strong wave of hilarious laughter consumed me and I laughed deep and heartily as I exited the tank. Tom Waits "Old Shoe" started playing while I was cleansing myself in the shower and I sang loud and proud. The cycling of colors were also extremely pleasing and added to the impression of my ever forming ritualization of my floats. 

April 4, 2014

80th Float

This morning before work I had an amazing Float. It was like an extension of my float from last night but more Lucid in nature ending in maniacal laughter.  

I made very good use of my mantra and breathe work allowed me to enter the void space quickly. Then used the flame and the void to clear my mind. Once in a lucid dream state I changed the color of the floor to a bright red. Then I instantly transported myself to St. Patricks and walked around the pews and up to the alter and set that mother a blaze. I watched the flames climb the walls and spread. I could feel the heat on my face and walked down the aisle to the front door and watched as the flames followed me across the pews and start climbing into the choir. 

I exited the building and watched as it then changed to a full exterior burn and started laughing like a maniac. Could not stop the laughter and had to get out when salt water got into my eyes. Kept laughing during my shower. I was only in the tank for 35 minutes.