The US has learned how to use invisible money, “the principle”, and interest to control the poor into giving up their labor and tangible work. This allows controlling them into slavery where they feed and house themselves into debt. Again the Global Corporations, 40% which originated from the US have taken this debt/bullying/death tactics into the Global Market.
As a student in debt and struggling to better myself by achieving that BA which society claims to hold as a way to establish myself in this emergent society I can feel the grip of the system playing its role. Since my social skills are low compared to those who can use their abilities to communicate and convince those in ‘business’ that can aid them as being a valuable investment, I must go the route of educational investment.
This though costs money, which is really just debt. Therefore it seems that I have positioned my self to attain an imaginary level of convenience by creating that debt load to be paid off once my credentials are in place and I can attain a job/career where they will receive their payments, but really they don’t want their payments sooner, interest is where they can place me in their grip longer, like the tobacco companies and their success on that habit of mine. A whole life to pay rather than killing me quickly and ending my contributions.
This though has ramifications even backwards towards my parents. I couldn’t get a loan at first without someone to back me. All for the banks ability to collect their ‘donations’ and interest. Where is their backer though? Don’t they just make the money up digitally once they’ve given it to me? Why should my parents have to potentially become foreclosed, or threatened to take more mortgages out on property that has had the toil and labor and time and love that my parents have put into it.
These questions plague me, but are common as water and bread. It is by far a terrible system that is in place. Thoughts of changing it all and making a new form of society that allows for equality, freedom (as hard as that may be to define), life and health, happiness and safety from ‘evil’. These are easy to image but close to impossible to achieve unless with a wide source of disposible income and political connections.

“Profit” is something that sticks out and crawls along the skin like a flesh eating disease the most when applied to attempting these changes towards a political societies focus and goals for a competitive future. Scarcity has brought to birth the concept of ‘value’.What a shame.
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