Majority of the time a Television Channel plays a show dealing with cars, from Top Gear to a Discovery Channel late night special called Ultimate Cars, the commercials have a higher rate of economic middle class geared advertisements on… well obviously, Cars.
Advertising. Bullshit Merchants everywhere, thank you for spur of an idea.
No longer a soft target, aiming to be a hard target. This is a new achievable goal since the no car is needed.
Yet the fact is that Canada needs cars, its how we get around this vast and various landscape. There is such a variety of choices when buying a car, from brand spanking new swank vehicles from the dealer to old POS ones off of craigslist. The fact that it seems to be respectable to slowly introduce model after model of a more efficient car that reduces the transportation carbon imprint.
Alas, there is little coverage of the fact that ocean cruise ships consume 37.4 or 57.5 MPG on average and admittedly I’ll just have to assume that there are some that consume less and are more efficient, but there is no common forced information available. And with more and more MegaShips coming along. Ports being expand, more trucks and cranes needed, how are these being advanced? I'm unsure if they even come out with new models every 3 quarters or what.
The probability that we even come close to changing these things soon is low. Unless of coarse that shift in events finally comes to pass where the history books will tell of catastrophe times and hardships that spark that new path where the young and vital will take their abilities and work as individuals within their immediate social environments to better the whole by individual contributions that emerge as a new era.
The Venus Project needs a push that may not be all that positive.
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