I started today off
with a float before my night shift and was lucky enough to end my shift with
my 40th Float at Float House and I
experienced another intensely 'present' audio float.
It started off as I
went through my mental clutter and as each thought emerged I fed it into the
flame of a candle, which is a technique called The Flame and the Void that I
learned while reading Robert
Jordan's Wheel Of Time series and have found to be extremely using when
meditating and within the tank.
Then I let go of my body and it was highly emotive to start off and I was overcome with waves of what I can only describe as bliss and compassion flowed around and through me as I listened to Time and Space. I could feel the music in my body and each note swept through me and caused a feeling similar to chills going down my spine and into my extremities through my nerves but instead of that creepy chills it was accompanied with a strong positive emotion.
I Noticed that I was able to create waves of yellowish red energy of enclosing patterns by slowly closing and opening my eyes.

Then Surface of the Sun came on it was an exhilarating sensation as I focused on the subtleties of the background sound effects of his heart beat and breath underneath the building piano and orchestra. Again, waves of bliss surged through me along with the notes and surges of the music.
When Pangaea started I began to reflect on how during all of the above emotional sensations that I just went through, I had very faint and sporadic visuals that didn't really focus upon my visual cortex. I tried using my gaze manipulation tricks with little result. I do feel that when I float after having taken my Concerta it does inhibit the visual and dream states that I do have when I float before my meds. But yet, this float was more emotionally focused. Is there a connection? Or is this just another variety of float? More must be read and experienced to find out.
It is these kind of
differences that I have been noticing to be occurring within my own cognitive
processes and consciousness while using the float tank and I am become more
and more interested in trying to find out the relation to my own
neurochemistry and endocrinology is definitely something I would lobe to
pursue for a masters thesis.
When pink Floyd came on I could barely hear it so I just got out. 50 minute float felt like 2 hours of hiking my Mindscape and I as I exited the tank with laughter and a massive smile on my face.