January 27, 2009

Abstract Notes and Disentangled Aphorisms

Buy my book. It's raw, it's new, it'll help me get through school. Tell a friend, share a copy.

Spare time thoughts collected and combined. The subject matter deals with the inner feelings
and thoughts of a recovering youth during the beginning of the 21st century.

Illustrations by Justine Battut - http://www.liquitexart.deviantart.com

January 26, 2009

2012 Concepts Gone Awry

It has been shown that our Changing Sun is tied to our changing weather and climate patterns on earth, the sun is the forefront of energy supply on earth. These flares are tied into such a larger galactic system. The Mayan calendar suggests that on December 21st 2012 when the winter solstice begins and our solar system will align for a major interplanetary eclipse and an unpredictable synchronicistic transfer of energy and gravity will bring upon true change. Be it the end of the world, an alien invasion, a jump in evolution on the biological, technological, psychological, and spiritual scale, or simple cosmic destruction.

This has been predicted, worshipped, and prophesized in ancient cultural works such as; The I Ching, the writings of Nostrodomus, The Bible, The Book of Ra, the Mayan calendar, the Wheel of the zodiac from 6th Century Greece, and The Vedas of Indian. All of which represent mythological explanations for the humanities experience of astrological time and earthly events.

The start of the age of Aquarius revels a hidden sign, the age of Ophiuchus, the snake holder. This is the thirteenth Zodaic sign. It coincides with the 2012 alignment and is located along the dark rift of the milky way galaxy.

These cosmic activities will more likely occur during the era of 2012 with a +/- of 50 years.. Astrophysics and astronomy have a thing about their calculations and hypothesizes, they can be like any other stab at probabilities’ and predictions, there is no 100% guarantee on anything. Quantum mechanics is currently enlightening us with that piece of the cosmic puzzle.

For example quantum mechanics has been used to theorize how it might be possible for John Hutchison’s claims that utilizing energy can be done to lift cannonballs and tap into zero-point energy. These are said to not be possible because they would be breaking the rules of thermodynamics. With quantum mechanics and string theory it is possible that the rules of physics can not always truly apply. All rules can be bent. Look at what Nikola Tesla did in 1888, his polyphase systems that would transfer alternate current across vast distances was destroyed by those that profited instead by using copper wire that would cost much more than wireless stations. This wireless expression of electrical power is currently being explored for contemporary use.

UFO’s are out there. The frequency of sightings is increasing. The governments of Mexico, France, and Turkey have released information of mass sightings. When we as a species of intelligent apes acknowledge that we are not alone in the universe and share with each other the information shared, stolen, or integrated from extraterrestrial beings will we be able to save ourselves at the least, our planet with all hope the best.

How does all this tie together though is what keeps me up and has me thinking. Maybe there will be a integration of all these events, an understanding of our realm of existence. A Singularity when galactic human achievement occurs by publicly working together to survive what is a major universal event in our shared galaxy.

January 22, 2009

Global Rich List

I was shown this excellent site that puts the global income of individuals into a good perspective. Global Rich List places your income in terms of the globes population.
By showing someone where they stand in the world it can have a larger impact than where they stand in their own nation. It did for me. Makes we wonder if reasons like this and blind faith in our ideology of capitalism, politics, and religious faith made Einstein denounce his nationhood and faith to become an individual of our planet Terra?

By toying around with the income input I've also seen the drastic differences that the exchange rates between nations has on one's standings within the list. 34,000 UK Pounds puts you in the top 0.9%, while 34,000 US Dollars puts you in the top 4.91%. Make those Canadian dollars and you move into the top 6.88%.

This is insight had more impact from finding it for myself then if some economic class laid it out as some abstract fact of the systems establish parameters.
I guess in the long run Thatcher didn't fuck all the kids.

January 21, 2009

Garbage about Teens

The effects upon adolescent development these days seems to be moving faster and more sporadic then all previous generations. In Canada our teens are becoming more engrossed in behavior management through the school systems and a result from the expanding amount of research that has been done since the 1980s, which at that point within the research domain of psychology there was nothing in the literature.

With an increasing amalgamation of technology in the everyday lives of teens, even younger children with their robotic pets and play systems (i.e. Nintendo’s DS and their pet program Nintendogs). Their physical, social, and cognitive development is becoming more augmented with theories and plans for achieving what has been considered “normative” development into the Information Age.

This raises some questions in my mind as to whether these management systems (the Feel-Good Curriculum) that are being enacted are worthwhile as benefits or might lead to newly raised issues in the future. Of course there is the fact that various schools and municipalities apply different strategies so therefore we may end up with more variety among the next generation of emerging adults in their skill sets and aptitudes for emerging useful cognitive skills, such as abstract thinking, conceptualizing new ideas, and empathetic reasoning with limited physical experience to another.

Another interesting factor is the Secular Trend. The secular trend is the fact that adolescent growth has been occurring earlier and earlier over succeeding generations and that there are drastically more pressures and expectations of teens to excel at tasks that used to be applied only to college and university students in the past. Put simply our youth are developing quicker and earlier in their maturation then they might be able to handle properly.

I personally don’t know anything of the specifics in which this had played a role in teachers and teen counselors changing their methods, but on intuition I’ll go ahead and assume that very little has changed since Canadian funding has decrease in the educational systems across the country. There probably are those few examples of dedicated teachers who know and realize the implications of these changes and are adjusting their curriculum to better develop the potential skills and abilities of their students.

There is also the factor of steroid use and extreme pressures for youth to succeed and excel in sports. These roiding teens are being physically abused (either under their own will or the will of their peers and coaches) not only in the now but forward into their futures from the steroids long lasting effects upon their development.

All together, I am just glad that I am not a teen anymore, but jealous of their access to so many more growing opportunities to further themselves and their development with specialized methods and technologies.

January 12, 2009

The Recession is my Fault!

As a student I’ve come to realize that to achieve a Bachelor Degree based solely on loans and credit I shall come out at least $100,000 in debt. This I have found across North America to be the norm. Debt ridden students are not hard to come by and even plays a role in many satirical jokes around family tables.

I’ve also found that class structure in the academic pursuit pathway is still as rampant as ever. Coming across a few good websites for how to aid those in the lower class spectrum, the Coalition for Student Loan Fairness is one that seems to provide the most information and chances for change and becoming informed on the situation and process that Canada follows in its Student Loan Programs.

Alas but what does this have to do with the recession being my fault? That insight comes from the fact presented to me from my debt collectors FAQ. After explaining how peace of mind from profession debt collection services providing services to the consumer and the credit grantors and explaining how people from all walks of life end up on their lists, they give the wonderful advice to stay calm and realize just as consumers depend on their income to survive so do credit grantors depend on their loans being paid to continue their business as a successful practice.

This I can agree upon as a state of how the economy works. Ignoring the fact that monetary funds and credit card companies fueling the problem of throwing people (like myself) access to funds that they have no real means to achieve. Keeping us in debt for years to come.

What really sparked my emotions was the last question and response which is stated as follows.

How does bad debt affect the economy?
Because businesses need to cut losses, the cost of bad debt is often deflected by raising consumer prices. Since there is a limit to how high prices can be increased before business begin losing customers, bad debt also results in business failures and job loss.

To me this implies that the backlash from my bad debt and lacking a moral will to pay off that which was foolishly given to me in the first place by the MasterCard is a contributing factor in the recent degradation of our global economy and the resulting recession. To those that have lost their jobs and businesses I apologize. Not to you individually but to the system as a whole that functions in this backwards idea that to make everything fluid and productive we need to facilitate the money lenders and allow them to raise more digital dollars.

The recession is not my fault. It’s the systems of stocks and bonds, and loans and debt that are the cause. Please don’t humor me. I may be young and brash, against the status quo, but I am not a man made of magical money. I do not have family with buckets of stored information of money made. I, like millions out there in the world, am striving to better myself and my future, at least cut me some slack on insulting my intelligence.

January 10, 2009

Neuroprosthetics and Johnny Mnemonic Potentials

Henry Markram, head of the Laboratory of Neural Microcircuitry has said that: “There are three fundamental obstacles to developing reliable neuroprosthetics: 1) stable interfacing of electromechanical devices with neural tissue, 2) understanding how to stimulate the neural tissue, and 3) understanding what signals to record from the neurons in order for the device to make an automatic and appropriate decision to stimulate.

It’s years ahead of Johnny Mnemonic’s hardwired hard drive. But there was something in that film that might be overlooked by some neuroscientists. The fact of an external stimulation to activate the neuroprosthetics. It’s been almost 14 years since the Ice T and Keanu Reeves teamed up to discover and save the abused dolphin.

Which is another factor that seems to be a good prospecting idea for neuroprosthetics. Start testing on similar evolutionary species to ourselves, such as apes and monkeys, or those creatures of the earth that have similar mental capacities. Think of the possibilities. An elephant with an enhanced external sensory drive that adds even more dimensions to its cognitive experience.

I know there are those that these thoughts would infuriate and cause for skepticism. And I agree. Yet the ideas are fun to play with and run a few thought experiments on. It’s what keeps me on my toes in the morning.

January 7, 2009

I am a Soft Target!

Soft Target. One who follows a routine day to day and are unaware of their surroundings. According to military handbooks on terrorism and warfare it seems I should be aiming at becoming a Hard Target.

That is I should not be walking or feeding the dog along the same route or at the same time every day. I should frequent different establishments for meals. Park in different areas daily (not that hard in the West End of Vancouver). And the ultimate top off, try not to earn the reputation of always lending a hand and aiding people. "The trick to being human is to always think about yourself." Gaius Baltar

There are three basic rules to being a hard target.
1. Be Alert
2. Keep a Low Profile
3. Be Unpreictable

Basically be paranoid about everything and everyone you come into contact. Trust no one.

Who that enemy is boils down to who you believe has the urge to cause you harm. Be it a militant group in a warzone, or your own government in your own city.
Welcome to the Dodge City of Western mindsets.

January 2, 2009

Cell Phones Numbers Go Public

2009 shall be full of surprises and hassles, love and pain, and like the years before it, Telemarketing calls. Cell phone numbers shall now be open ground for telemarketing calls in Canada.

You'll be on the bus and with a *vibrate*

"Yes this is Johnson from the Bureau of Deli Meats and we would like to offer to you a one time deal on express delivery of all your weekly meats. This is an excellent opportunity...."

Cell phones will start to receive sales calls and you will be charged for them depending on your plan, at the worst they'll take up valuable daytime minutes.

How does one stop this from happening? Well it's going to happen regardless. Best advice is to goto Canada's National Do Not Call list, https://www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/, and register your number.

It takes a minute of your time and blocks your number from most telemarketing companies for five years. You can register your number on the Do Not Call List online or by calling 1-866-580-3635 or 1-888-382-1222. You must call from the number you wish to be blocked.

Protect yourself and spread the word to all your friends and family so they don't get calls that waste their time and money.

Turkey Vacation Insemination Gone Odd.

Looking to improve the family this new year. Now’s the chance.
IVF – In vitro fertilization. It growing, it’s now commercialized, it’s everything a holiday should be. Tired of pumping out those boys. Shooting for a Girl. Come now to Turkey and Jinemed Hospital and have your female triplets to outnumber that evil boy duo. All while on a relaxed and healthy vacation.
Fully friendly and top of the line medical service.
The choice is yours, the power is here.