It has been shown that our
Changing Sun is tied to our changing weather and climate patterns on earth, the sun is the forefront of energy supply on earth. These flares are tied into such a larger galactic system. The Mayan calendar suggests that on December 21st 2012 when the winter solstice begins and our solar system will align for a major interplanetary eclipse and an unpredictable synchronicistic transfer of energy and gravity will bring upon true change. Be it the end of the world, an alien invasion, a jump in evolution on the biological, technological, psychological, and spiritual scale, or simple cosmic destruction.

This has been predicted, worshipped, and prophesized in ancient cultural works such as; The I Ching, the writings of Nostrodomus, The Bible, The Book of Ra, the Mayan calendar, the Wheel of the zodiac from 6th Century Greece, and The Vedas of Indian. All of which represent mythological explanations for the humanities experience of astrological time and earthly events.
The start of the age of Aquarius revels a hidden sign, the age of
Ophiuchus, the snake holder. This is the thirteenth Zodaic sign. It coincides with the 2012 alignment and is located along the dark rift of the milky way galaxy.

These cosmic activities will more likely occur during the era of 2012 with a +/- of 50 years.. Astrophysics and astronomy have a thing about their calculations and hypothesizes, they can be like any other stab at probabilities’ and predictions, there is no 100% guarantee on anything. Quantum mechanics is currently enlightening us with that piece of the cosmic puzzle.
For example quantum mechanics has been used to theorize how it might be possible for John Hutchison’s claims that utilizing energy can be done to lift cannonballs and tap into zero-point energy. These are said to not be possible because they would be breaking the rules of thermodynamics. With quantum mechanics and string theory it is possible that the rules of physics can not always truly apply. All rules can be bent. Look at what
Nikola Tesla did in 1888, his polyphase systems that would transfer alternate current across vast distances was destroyed by those that profited instead by using copper wire that would cost much more than wireless stations. This wireless expression of electrical power is currently being explored for contemporary use.
UFO’s are out there. The frequency of sightings is increasing. The governments of Mexico, France, and Turkey have released information of mass sightings. When we as a species of intelligent apes acknowledge that we are not alone in the universe and share with each other the information shared, stolen, or integrated from extraterrestrial beings will we be able to save ourselves at the least, our planet with all hope the best.
How does all this tie together though is what keeps me up and has me thinking. Maybe there will be a integration of all these events, an understanding of our realm of existence. A Singularity when galactic human achievement occurs by publicly working together to survive what is a major universal event in our shared galaxy.